Increment prop by val, where val is an Number (click several times).
move('#example-2 .box')
.add('margin-left', 200)
Decrement prop by val, where val is an Number (click several times).
move('#example-3 .box')
.sub('margin-left', 100)
Set animation duration to n which is a Number or a string such as "4s".
move('#example-5 .box')
.set('background-color', 'blue')
Translate x and optionally y axis. Aliased as Move#to(x[, y])
move('#example-6 .box')
.translate(300, 80)
Translate x or y axis. Aliased by Move#translateX(n)
and Move#translateY(n)
move('#example-7 .box')
Skew x, and optionally y. Move#skewX(n)
and Move#skewY(n)
are also available.
move('#example-8 .box')
.set('height', 20)
Scale the x, and optionally y axis. Move#scaleX(n)
and Move#scaleY(n)
are also available.
move('#example-9 .box')
Use the given easing fn
move('#example-10 .box1').x(400).end();
move('#example-10 .box2').ease('in').x(400).end();
move('#example-10 .box3').ease('out').x(400).end();
move('#example-10 .box4').ease('in-out').x(400).end();
move('#example-10 .box5').ease('snap').x(400).end();
move('#example-10 .box6').ease('cubic-bezier(0,1,1,0)').x(400).end();
move('#example-10 .box1').x(0).end();
move('#example-10 .box2').x(0).end();
move('#example-10 .box3').x(0).end();
move('#example-10 .box4').x(0).end();
move('#example-10 .box5').x(0).end();
move('#example-10 .box6').x(0).end();
}, 1200);
The end()
method triggers the animation
to play, optionally invoking the callback fn when complete.
move('#example-11 .box')
.set('background-color', 'red')
move('#example-11 .box')
.set('background-color', 'white')
Set animation delay to n which is a Number or a string such as "4s".
move('#example-12 .box')
.set('background-color', 'blue')
Defer an action such as invoking a fn,
ing the given Move
or returning a clone for chaining. The Move#pop()
method is used to return the current Move
instance's parent in the chain.
var moveBack = move('#example-13 .box')
.set('background-color', 'white')
move('#example-13 .box')
.set('background-color', 'red')
move('#example-13 .box2')
.set('background-color', 'red')
.set('border-radius', 5)
.set('background-color', 'white')
.set('opacity', 0)
This function is used throughout move to select elements. For example if we wanted to utilize jQuery, we could re-define this function as shown below. = function(selector){
return $(selector).get(0);
Defaults used throughout Move, simply re-define to apply a new default.
move.defaults = {
duration: 500
Easing function map, used by Move#ease()
allow for move('foo').ease('in')
move.ease = {
'in': 'ease-in'
, 'out': 'ease-out'
, 'in-out': 'ease-in-out'
, 'snap': 'cubic-bezier(0,1,.5,1)'
The library version in the form "MAJOR.MINOR.PATCH".
move.version = "n.n.n";