支持移动触摸设备的纯js元素拖放插件 Drag and drop so simple it hurts

Move me, but you can only drop me in one of these containers.
If you try to drop me somewhere other than these containers, I'll just come back.
Item 3.
Item 6.
You can drop me in the left container, otherwise I'll stay here.
Item 4.
Item 5.
dragula([left, right]);
Move me, but you can only drop me in one of these containers.
If you try to drop me somewhere other than these containers, I'll just come back.
Item 3.
Item 6.
You can drop me in the left container, otherwise I'll stay here.
Item 4.
Item 5.
dragula([left, right]).on('drag', function (el) {
  el.className = el.className.replace(' animazing', '');
}).on('drop', function (el) {
  setTimeout(function () {
    el.className += ' animazing';
  }, 0);
Move me, but you can only drop me somewhere in this container.
If you try to drop me somewhere other than here, I'll die a fiery death.
Item 3.
Item 6.
Item 4.
Item 5.
dragula([single], { removeOnSpill: true });
Move me, but you can only drop me in one of these containers.
If you try to drop me somewhere other than these containers, I'll just come back.
Item 3.
Item 6.
You can drop me in the left container, otherwise I'll stay here.
Item 4.
Item 5.
dragula([left, right], { revertOnSpill: true });
Move me, but you can only drop me in one of these containers.
If you try to drop me somewhere other than these containers, I'll just come back.
You can drop me in the left container, otherwise I'll stay here.
dragula([left, right], { copy: true });