jQuery强大的模态对话框|消息框|Lightbox插件 A jQuery alert/modal/lightbox plugin

The BEST jQuery Modal, Alert, Popup, Lightbox Plugin

jAlert is really easy, and really powerful! See why below:

Plenty-o Sizes

Completely responsive (just under full width on small screens), but for tablets and desktops, you have a lot of control over how large the alert is.

xsm sm md lg xlg full

Sweet Themes

When used correctly, a user may not even need to read your message to know what it pertains to. Red alert = error. Green = success. You can use the default black background, or optional white one.

default red green blue yellow black
default red green blue yellow black

Responsive Lightbox(es)

Need to show a video, image, iframe, or something fetched via AJAX? It's dead-simple and beautiful using jAlert:

Image Video iFrame AJAX

AJAX only works on a server, but if you view this locally, it'll give you an opportunity to see it fails with a nice error

CSS Animations

In version 3, Animate.css was integrated.

default fade fade flip x flip y zoom

These are just a few. Checkout Animate.css for the full list (must choose ones that hide/show the element).

Closing Options

When it comes to closing jAlert, you have a few options (all of which can be disabled)

top-right btn alt esc key anywhere none


Additionally: With or without the background (btnBackground: boolean)

default red green blue black
default red green blue black


In version 3, a confirmation was added with callbacks for onConfirm and onDeny.


Easy Callbacks

There are callbacks for: alert "onOpen", alert "onClose", alert "onAjaxFail", and btn "onClick".

onOpen onClose onAjaxFail onClick