通过OSREC.CurrencyFormatter.format(number, parameters)方法可以非常容易的格式一个数值。只需要简单的在配置参数中设置你需要的格式即可。 参数的格式如下:
var parameters =
currency: 'EUR', // If currency is not supplied, defaults to USD
symbol: '€', // Overrides the currency's default symbol
locale: 'fr', // Overrides the currency's default locale (see supported locales)
decimal: ',', // Overrides the locale's decimal character
group: '.', // Overrides the locale's group character (thousand separator)
pattern: '#,##0.00 !' // Overrides the locale's default display pattern
// The pattern follows standard unicode currency pattern notation.
// comma = group separator, dot = decimal separator, exclamation = currency symbol
OSREC.CurrencyFormatter.format(2534234, { currency: 'INR' }); // Returns ₹ 25,34,234.00
OSREC.CurrencyFormatter.format(2534234, { currency: 'EUR' }); // Returns 2.534.234,00 €
OSREC.CurrencyFormatter.format(2534234, { currency: 'EUR', locale: 'fr' }); // Returns 2 534 234,00 €
<div class='money'> 1234536.32 </div>
<div class='money'> 8798458.11 </div>
// Applies a single currency format to all selected elements
selector: '.money',
currency: 'CNY'
OSREC.CurrencyFormatter.formatEach(selector) 方法可以将页面中带有data-ccy属性的元素转换为不同的货币值。
<div class='money' data-ccy='EUR'> 1234564.58 </div>
<div class='money' data-ccy='GBP'> 8798583.85 </div>
<div class='money' data-ccy='CHF'> 0.9754 </div>
<div>Your INR value is: <span class='money' data-ccy='INR'> 322453.9754 </span></div>
OSREC.CurrencyFormatter.getFormatter(parameters) 方法可以返回一个定制货币格式的函数。这是用于格式化大量数值的常用方法。
<input id='frenchEuroInput' value='78234564.5815899' />
// Once generated, the formatter below can used over
// and over again to format any number of currencies
var frenchEuroFormatter = OSREC.CurrencyFormatter.getFormatter
// If currency is not supplied, defaults to USD
currency: 'EUR',
// Use to override the currency's default symbol
symbol: '€',
// Use to override the currency's default locale - every locale has
// preconfigured decimal, group and pattern
locale: 'fr',
// Use to override the locale's default decimal character
decimal: ',',
// Use to override the locale's default group (thousand separator) character
group: '.',
// Use to override the locale's default display pattern
// Note comma = group separator, dot = decimal separator, exclamation = symbol
// Follows standard unicode currency pattern
pattern: '#,##0.00 !'
var val = document.getElementById('frenchEuroInput').value;
var formattedVal = frenchEuroFormatter(val);
document.getElementById('frenchEuroInput').value = formattedVal;
<div class='money'> 7564.58 </div>
<div class='money'> -4583.85 </div>
<div class='money'> 0 </div>
selector: '.money',
currency: 'CHF',
pattern: '#,##0.00 !;(#,##0.00 !);0.00 !'
该格式化货币插件使用标准的 ISO 2 数字语言和国家代码定义本地化语言(按Unicode Common Locale Data Repository标准)。它支持下面的715种本地化语言。
In case you're not sure what a locale is, it is simply a set of parameters that define the standard language and regional preferences for someone using a
particular language, in a particular region.