Demonstrating beforeopen, open, beforeclose, close, click, checkall, uncheckall, and optgrouptoggle callbacks/events. Note that you can either
pass in an event handler in the options object upon initialization, or bind to the event (including the multiselect prefix). For example, to add an
"open" handler, you can also use $("select").bind("multiselectopen", fn);
var $callback = $("#callback");
click: function(event, ui){
$callback.text(ui.value + ' ' + (ui.checked ? 'checked' : 'unchecked') );
beforeopen: function(){
$callback.text("Select about to be opened...");
open: function(){
$callback.text("Select opened!");
beforeclose: function(){
$callback.text("Select about to be closed...");
close: function(){
$callback.text("Select closed!");
checkAll: function(){
$callback.text("Check all clicked!");
uncheckAll: function(){
$callback.text("Uncheck all clicked!");
optgrouptoggle: function(event, ui){
var values = $.map(ui.inputs, function(checkbox){
return checkbox.value;
}).join(", ");
$callback.html("Checkboxes " + (ui.checked ? "checked" : "unchecked") + ": " + values);